Wednesday, September 11, 2013

So we're trying to eat healthier AND more frugally

Struggles and I spent a week in the desert recently, followed by a week in my beloved Portland. If you've never been to PDX, the most you know is probably from that one show or the apparently unrequited love the New York Times has for the city of roses. At any rate, while Portland is a mecca for vegans and vegetarians, we also really REALLY love meat. And we do it well. Our time there was thusly summed by Struggles, "Every day we ate until we hated ourselves. And then we ate some more." So, upon our return to the East, we agreed that frugal and healthy was the plan. We're still getting our farm share, so that's a big help. I'm a protein machine though, so eggs and beans are about to be my best friends. Here's round one.

A few words about this frittata. You can really put whatever you want in it. That's kind of the beauty of something like this. Also, if anyone says "Oh that's like a crustless quiche" punch them square in the mouth. By definition they are the same thing except for the crust issue. Anyway, I used our big ass cast iron skillet for this, which is the way to go if you've got one. In any case be sure that your skillet can go from stove to oven without a meltdown. I ended up just serving this with corn on the cob, but next time I'm definitely having some sort of greens on the side. I had a kale caesar salad in Portland I've been itching to mimic, so maybe that. 

Veggie Frittata with a Kick
(things with an asterisk are from our farm share!)
  • 2-3 tablespoons oil (if you're using a well seasoned cast iron you can err on the conservative side)
  • 3 tablespoons minced garlic
  • 1/2 cup red onion, diced
  • 1 medium carrot diced*
  • 1 medium bell pepper, large chop*
  • 3-4 white or crimini mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/2 a small zucchini, in thin half rounds*
  • 1/2 a small yellow squash, in thin rounds
  • 1 medium-large red potato, scrubbed and sliced thinly*
  • 12 eggs, beaten
  • 1 tablespoon crushed red pepper
  • 1 tablespoon parsley
  • 1 tablespoon thyme
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 medium tomato, sliced*

1) Sauté the onions and garlic in the oil for about 5 minutes over medium heat. Add the carrots; cook for another 5. Next are the pepper, mushrooms, squash. Sauté until the carrots are not crunchy, but not total mush, another 5 minutes-ish. Undercook them just a little because baking will finish them off.

2) Turn heat down to low. Scoop half of the pan's contents out and level the rest. Put a layer of potatoes down. Don't make it a totally solid layer, just scatter them around. Put the rest of the sautéed mixture on top, followed by the rest of the potatoes.

3) Beat the eggs with the spices thoroughly. Turn off the stove. Gently pour the egg in, make sure to get it all around. If it's trapped and pooled in one area gently move the pan back and forth to help it even out. With the amount of veggies I had, the egg *almost* covered them. I had to poke a few potato slices into submission.

4) Lay the tomato rounds on top all pretty like.

Before the oven. Not pictured: my skeptical face that it'll look this nice when it comes out.

5) Bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes. You want the egg to be totally set, but not dried out.

6) Some schools of thought on frittata demand that you flip the finished product out of the skillet onto a platter for serving. Mine looked so pretty on top that I skipped that. I cut wedges with a sharp knife and just used a cake/pie serving spatula to get it out. Garnish with grated parmesan if you like.

Holy shit. Look at the glory!